PT13.S2.Q25 - Unless negotiations begin soon...

JoakimNoah13JoakimNoah13 Member
edited July 2021 in Logical Reasoning 63 karma

Could anyone explain this to me? I'm a little lost. Thanks!


  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    edited July 2021 2249 karma

    /negotiations begin soon—-> cease-fire violated
    Negotiations will happen—->2 sides pressured
    Agreement emerge——>pressure continues
    Negotiations will happen——>int’l troops display ability to counter aggression

    Negotiations will begin soon

    A.) cease-fire has not been violated? CBT but not a MBT, because when sufficient condition is negated or if necessary is fulfilled, conditional statement is free to float.
    B.) MBT, look at last conditional
    C.) MBT, last conditional again
    D.) MBT, second conditional
    E.) MBT, third conditional

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