Addendum Question Unrelated to GPA/LSAT - Early Grad

kimchifaaankimchifaaan Core Member
edited July 2021 in Law School Admissions 12 karma

I'm graduating a year early (in 3 years) and am wondering if that is something that I should write an addendum about. My university classifies me as a "third year" but I have the credits to graduate early and I'm worried that the third year classification may be somewhere on the application and may confuse the readers? Idk. Any guidance would be great!


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Former admissions officer here. The admissions reader will see all of your transcripts, courses, and credits in your LSAC CAS Report and put together your academic history. However, it might be helpful to have a short explanation as to how and why you decided to graduate early. It could also enhance your narrative if graduating early shows something positive about your character. Good luck!

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