PT9.S2.Q12 - Purebred dogs are prone to...

LightLaw99LightLaw99 Core Member
edited July 2021 in Logical Reasoning 12 karma

I mean how?


  • castronecastrone Member
    210 karma

    purebreed dogs have abnormailties
    fixing these abnormalities is possible but costly
    non purebred dogs don't have these abnormalities

    so if you want to reduce the risk of a costly med bill, pick non purebred

    A. most genetically determined abnormalities don't affect well being of dog
    if the abnormality doesn't affect the wellbeing of dog you don't need to get it fixed, so it would be costly so having purebred dog isn't risky for a med bill

  • Isaac BensaidIsaac Bensaid Member
    69 karma

    Imagine that Honda Civic are prone to have an unusual engine noise. If you face the problem, fixing it could cost you 4000 dollars. Keep in mind that despite this noise, your Honda can still operate safely. So does that mean you should lean towards buying a different car brand ?

    Long story short: If it ain't broken don't fix it.

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