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Hey guys I just took the LSAT writing for my august test, and I feel a bit worried because when it asked me to take a picture of my ID, the pictures kept coming out kind of blurry. I tried for maybe 5 or 10 minutes to get my computer camera to focus on my ID, but it was still a bit blurry, though you could clearly see it was me in the picture. I'm a bit worried because it said that unclear photos can result in "exam cancellation" whatever that means. Is this something I should be worried about or am I overreacting? Anyone else have an issue with this?
I wouldn't stress too much over it and also if it helps I just did my LSAT writing last night and it was already approved this morning which was super quick turn around!
good tip if your webcam isn't focusing is to put your ID in front of a piece of scratch paper, should help it focus easier, but kind of awkward to hold up