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A Proposal

7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
in General 932 karma
For The Logic Games Bundle, I think it would be beneficial if we had one set that kept them in their original order and another that grouped them based on type. Primarily we use them for practice and it could be beneficial to learn each of them by type. The practice sets do a good job of accomplishing this on a smaller scale, but they may assist the vets for enhancing inference making ability.


  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    Is there even a logic bundle anymore because of the pdf issue?
  • mes08mes08 Alum Member
    578 karma
    If you want a LG bundle organized by game type, you can buy the Cambridge LG pack.
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    I joined 7 sage before the pdf issue so I have everything. I'm talking about organizing the videos by game type (sequencing, grouping, in and out, etc). Sorry, I should have been more specific.
  • __Juan____Juan__ Alum Member
    184 karma
    I downloaded all of the pdf files prior to the ban. My mistake was putting everything in one disorganized folder. I am just now starting to go through the course, and I’m foreseeing a problem. The LG bundle is not on my study schedule. It was removed because of the ban. I know it’s about 48 hours of study time and nothing else.

    Were there any sort of instructions?
    Was the pdf one file or multiple sets?
    Names porfavor?
    Anything else you can share that would shed some light on this?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    @juan_name there were no instructions, just 140 LGs from PTs 1-35. The PDFs were all separated out by PT and not by game type. The LG Bundle was originally at the very end right before you start PTs so that you can get through all of the LG curriculum. In my opinion it is better not to practice by game type because I think it artificially changes your mentality and you go into the game knowing what skills you will have to draw upon. Just like with recognizing LR questions stems across a variety of LR questions, a full LG section or a whole PT will test your abilities to properly analyze the type of game and apply the right strategies. This makes a big difference in games that require charts or hybrid games. If you know going in that a game requires a chart you will invariably shave time off of your total and so it won't give the most accurate sense of where you're at.

    Here's a strategy guide I mocked up for the bundle or LG prep in general.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    @Pacifico said:
    a full LG section or a whole PT will test your abilities to properly analyze the type of game and apply the right strategies
    Ahhh, so true! I made the mistake of doing questions by question type in the beginning of my studies. Drilling full sections is so much more helpful and puts you in the right mindset.
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