Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Test Anxiety, 12 points lower than diagnostic - 7Sage Forum

Test Anxiety, 12 points lower than diagnostic

josh.r8964josh.r8964 Member
in General 66 karma

Hey guys! After scoring consistently in the mid 170s for about 10 practice tests leading up to the exam, I kind of choked and wound up with a score much lower than any test I've ever taken, far lower than even my diagnostic. When I sat down to actually take the test for the first time, all my habits went out the window. I couldn't focus, I got worried, got distracted by the proctor, hell I even had a song stuck in my head. Am I the only one in this boat? Any advice? Its frustrating because I know what I'm capable of and a decrease of this many points is just completely unrepresentative of my abilities. Thanks all.


  • PeterG99PeterG99 Core Member
    9 karma

    I did 9 points worse on the actual August LSAT than I did on the PT I took a week before and the PT I took 2 weeks after the exam. I got the exact same score on my two PTs and the actual exam was 9 points worse. All I can is that the exam wasn't an indication of how well you could do on the exam-- we just had an off day and underperformed. I feel you, I'm in the same boat but I'm just grinding now for the November exam and thinking about the August exam less and less as the days go by.

  • edited September 2021 29 karma

    Test anxiety destroyed me dude. I was scoring in the mid 60's and the occasional low 70's and got a 148 on the actual test. I blanked on that shit lol. Shit sucks because I know that my performance on that test isn't an accurate reflection of my abilities.

  • mcrowle4mcrowle4 Member
    27 karma

    I was in a similar position, so I can only speak from my experience, but I HIGHLY recommend getting a tutor or study partner. It's hard to do this shit on your own and I think it really comes down to confidence on exam day. I had a ton of supportive friends and family, but on my second exam, I had horrible anxiety and started questioning myself. Ahead of my third LSAT, my tutor helped instill confidence in me that my answers were correct and I did not need to question anything. Knowing that HE believed in me after seeing my skills, made me super excited to take the test. On the third test day, I absolutely destroyed the sections and felt more in the zone than the first two times I took it. Whatever you do, do not give up hope! You can still crush November (or October!), but do everything you can to go into the exam relaxed and confident!

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