Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Does "tend to" mean most on the LSAT? - 7Sage Forum

Does "tend to" mean most on the LSAT?

sassasissysassasissy Core Member

I know usually means most but I am not sure about "tends to."


  • WinningHereWinningHere Member
    417 karma

    Can you share the context in which you are using it or referring to?

  • Yes, context is paramount, as the previous poster indicated.

    But here's my take. I think I'd hesitate to say that "tends to" = "most". In LR, I've often seen "tends" used to indicate a weak correlation between two variables. For example: "A tends to increase as B decreases". What this means is that "A does not always increase as B decreases". We can go further and say that there is not necessarily a causal connection between A and B.

    Absent sufficient context/evidence, it is better to depend upon the weakest interpretation of a vague word than it is to assume it refers to the strongest interpretation. In closing, I'm more comfortable with "tends" meaning "not always".

  • My understanding is that "tends to" would be nearly equivalent to "more likely than not," which also translates to "most."So, I think you would be correct.

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