PT75.S3.Q15 - recent car buyers

trisdhaliwal1trisdhaliwal1 Member
edited October 2021 in Logical Reasoning 89 karma

So this is a NA question.

Both options D and E make sense to me, but E is supposed to be the correct answer.

E says "anyone to whom safety is an important factor in purchasing a car will consult an objective source of vehicle safety information before buying"

But what if the consumer believed ads and promos were objective sources of vehicle safety info? If D. was the correct answer it would make sense, because if they were aware that ads weren't objective and they only viewed those, safety probably isn't that important to them.

Maybe safety is their #1 factor but they truly believe ads and promos are objective sources of information. They could just be very unaware and ignorant and believe ads are an objective source.

Let's say health is my number one priority, and I'm drinking these shakes that contained tons of sugar and chemicals because the commercials say they guarantee fat loss. I didn't consult a nutritionist because (for arguments sake I'm just stupid) and I truly wholeheartedly believe the commercials provide an adequate source of information. You really can't say health isn't my number one priority, like you can't say safety isn't their priority. Now if I KNEW the commercials were full of lies and I still drank the shakes anyways, you could say health isn't my number one priority.

Explanation Video:

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question"


  • Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
    2249 karma

    This isn't a necessary assumption, but a sufficient assumption question.

    E.) /consult objective materials---> /safety is not an important concern

    The problem with D is that it makes no mention of safety. So what if they are aware that these promotional materials and ads aren't objective? Even if we add this to the stimulus, we cannot necessarily arrive at the conclusion that therefore, these buyers aren't interested in safety. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't and that's a problem in a question type that requires you to make the conclusion follow from the premises, to make the argument valid.

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