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getting 19-20 correct on LR sections, losing all pts in games/RC

The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
edited October 2013 in General 283 karma
LR is pretty good for me, but LG and RC are a bitch

just got owned on LG badly only got about 10 right,

RC got about 16, so its not good , but not as bad as games

ill keep doing the fool proof method but this is pretty sad cause I've done games so much more than all the other sects


  • Rasheed N.Rasheed N. Free Trial Member
    65 karma
    It's like that for me in the RC. It's so frustrating. I get -5 to -7 in LR and -0 to -3 in LG, but end up with -9 to -15 in RC.
  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    atleast you have games down!
  • Litian.ChenLitian.Chen Free Trial Member
    136 karma
    you will get better eventually. i used to always get 15 pts in LGs then improved to -1 or -2 later on. However if you are taking the December LSAT you have to work fast..It took me a while to improve. and I suggest you to redo the logic games right after the timed PT. You will always be able to see the missing links then
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited October 2013 3438 karma
    Hey Kyuga and Rasheed... I was having the exact same problem on RC...which I seem to have gotten over my first PT, I got like 14 and even missed some questions...I got really scared...even panicked and called JY...and he told me to take it for my RC, I did one thing... I listened to JY's video on how to do it...set my self a 5 day time limit...took out the first 6 tests of the first 10 test series...and then also took out the Manhattan LSAT strategy guide....believe me...and I can say this from personal experience (and if you don't believe me, there are testimonials on amazon)...that is the best RC guide available today...suffice it to say it beats the pants of the Powerscore one, puts them back on again and beats them off once its only 150 odd pages...and it is in workbook format... On Monday, I went thru half the guide...on Tuesday, the other half...and then for Wed, Thurs, and Fri, I did the RC's of the first 6 tests...2 tests at a time... I immediately started scoring in the 20s with my lowest score being 19 and the majority of my scores being 24s and 25s...m score on PT 47 was a 24 on the for games...there are certain types I can solve and certain types I can't so I'm working on scores are in the 14 to 18 range...but JY's videos help a ton ... and he has all of them down and online...they are pretty much like a gold mine...exploit them like you would the resources of some fictitious country in an LSAT LR question...and I am certain that things will be awesome! Hopefully I was able to provide some solace and some help (God knows I need both at times).Cheers.
  • The_RiseThe_Rise Alum Member
    283 karma
    I've got the LSAT trainer Nilesh S, which I think does a good job of improving RC. I'll need to give it another read though, admittedly I probably missed some important things for the RC section. I appreciate the response and I'll begin taking some sections out of the earlier PT's and doing them1
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    edited October 2013 14289 karma
    LSAT Trainer is better than Manhattan LSAT's guide. I know Mike Kim, who wrote both.
  • Nilesh SNilesh S Alum Inactive ⭐
    3438 karma
    On that note..JY thanks for putting the games online...I took out all the sequencing games (basic) from the 10 official LSAT Preptests and after watching your videos for a few and practicing your problem sets, was hardly getting any 1 question wrong in all of the games. And the "one after - three after - three in between" explanation was superb..really got it into my head!
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14289 karma
    Cool that's great!
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