Seoul, South Korea - Nov. study group

edited October 2021 in Study Groups 62 karma

I am thinking of starting a small (in-person) study group starting Nov. 1st

Time: Twice a week for 5 weeks
(Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday) can be changed

Location: A study cafe in Seoul (the cost will be shared equally)

We will take "timed" practice tests 62-71 under simulated conditions (I find this to be the best practice)
Blind review will be done individually at home
Come back with additional questions and we will try to help ourselves by helping each other

Most importantly, I would like all of us to be a positive influence
providing good moral support as well as holding each other accountable throughout the treacherous LSAT journey

If anyone is interested, leave me a comment
And I will organize the Kakao Group Chat :)

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