How do I re-enable 7Sage (paid package) if I was previously paying with Pay-Pal?

dicino63dicino63 Core Member
in Off-topic 142 karma

Having difficulty. Tried paying with card, didn't work, and I didn't expect it to, since it didn't work before. Took the October LSAT, cancelled 7Sage since I thought I did well, and now I need it again to study for January. Do I need a certain amount in my account before purchasing? I have about $75 transferred in since the monthly is $69.


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    1642 karma

    Hi there,

    So sorry for the trouble.

    You can re-subscribe to the course here: and use PayPal as a payment method by tapping on the PayPal link below the purchase page. See screenshot below:


    After you select the PayPal link, you can choose to checkout using your PayPal account or one of the credit card options as shown below:


    If trying to purchase using Paypal does not help, you can also try to purchase using a different web browser or device.

    I hope that helps. Please let us know how it goes!

  • dicino63dicino63 Core Member
    142 karma

    @"Cherry - 7Sage" said:
    Hi there,

    So sorry for the trouble.

    You can re-subscribe to the course here: and use PayPal as a payment method by tapping on the PayPal link below the purchase page. See screenshot below:


    After you select the PayPal link, you can choose to checkout using your PayPal account or one of the credit card options as shown below:


    If trying to purchase using Paypal does not help, you can also try to purchase using a different web browser or device.

    I hope that helps. Please let us know how it goes!

    I was able to get it to go through. Thank you!

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    Hi @dicino63,

    Thanks for letting us know. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns! We're happy to help!

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