PT76.S2.Q15 - Journalism's purpose is to inform people....

Rev_LefeRev_Lefe Member
edited January 2022 in Logical Reasoning 385 karma

For (A) to make sense, isn't it necessary that we need to assume that "informing people to make better choice" is journalism's only purpose?

Otherwise, say if journalism might have another purpose (say entertainment), gossip might fit such potential purpose. Hence, we couldn't be able to reasonbly conclude that gossip is sometimes included for nonjournalistic purpose.

Could anyone explain where my thought process went wrong? thanks.

Admin Note:


  • Scott MilamScott Milam Member Administrator Moderator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    1342 karma

    This is one my clients often have trouble with…

    Yes, you do have to assume that! However, that assumption is required by the first sentence of the passage:

    “Journalism’s purpose is to inform people about matters relevant to the choices they must make.”

    Note that the author doesn’t say “One of journalism’s purposes…” For the purposes of this stimulus, there is one one purpose, and it is the one explicitly stated in sentence 1.

    Obviously we know that, in the real world, things never have just one purpose. But real world knowledge doesn’t apply here - we live in the reality created by the stimulus. If it says there is one purpose, then we have to go with it!

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