HELPPPPP --- How are you going through the CC?

in General 206 karma

Hey Everyone,

I've been stuck between deciding the best approach for the CC. I am spending several hours a day on it and feel like I am not progressing. Initially, I was doing everything in order -- including all the problem sets. It's starting to feel counter productive: Each problem set takes me about 30min to an hour (this includes taking it timed, BR, and watching explanation on the questions I am not 100% confident with).Considering some question types have 10+ problem sets, after 2 or 3 days of working on the same question type I just get demotivated because I don't feel like I am really progressing in the material. Am I doing this all wrong?? Should I only solve a few and come back to them as I start focusing on the PTs or taking timed sections? Or should I be patient and get through everything in the CC?

How are you doing the CC...

Thanks in advance


  • claremontclaremont Core Member
    edited January 2022 590 karma

    If I'm not mistaken JY said during one of his podcasts that he didn't intend for everyone to complete each problem set before moving on to the next lesson. I did them all before I proceeded to the next lesson because I thought I was supposed to. But if I could go back in time I wouldn't've (i'dn't've?). I think it would be prudent to save a few to return to periodically during your journey through the CC to reinforce what you've learned from that lesson.

  • _megana__megana_ Member
    64 karma

    I'm working through the CC right now and my preferred method is working through every other problem set (ex: problem sets 1-10, I would do 1,3,5,7,9). Since the problem sets difficulty increases, doing every other problem set allows you to get some practice with all difficulty levels and also saves problem sets with all difficulty levels for later practice.

    And for any problem set that are not completed, I "star" the problem set to indicate those are the ones I can go back to for extra practice.

  • edited January 2022 206 karma

    @claremont : I think I will try to do that [ this is: not do all the PS]. I think if I try to keep doing it I will eventually give up on studying because my pace will be way too slow.

    I'll try doing alternating PS instead. Thank you for the suggestions guys, I appreciate it!

  • Steven_B-1Steven_B-1 Member
    800 karma

    I too am skipping around. I finished the logic introduction lessons which i think are key.

    Then i moved on to weakeners, and assumptions. However, i noticed that LG was my achilles heel so i then skipped over to LG and im almost done with the LG CC.

    I now skip back and forth between LR and LG and i think it works much better because you keep your mind fresh, its not as motonous and you can allow lessons to sink in before coming back and finishing all of the problem sets. This should definitely be recommended where one starts the program.

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