Looking for Study Partner - high 160's June LSAT

Rmizzy11Rmizzy11 Member
edited January 2022 in Study Groups 52 karma

Hey everybody, I am looking for somebody to study with weekday mornings and/or on weekends. I work full time 9-5 so I study at least 3 times a week in the morning at 6am PST - 8:30am, and then on weekends in the morning as well. I have been studying for over a year on and off, and am stuck PT'ing in the mid to high 160s. I have been losing motivation lately so I figured studying with people would help. I mainly focus on RC and LR now, and I am hoping to take the LSAT in June if possible.

If anybody wants to study consistently or have a weekend session (I know weekday mornings can be tough) feel free to comment or DM me, would love to chat. Also if anybody is in a study group or knows a study group that would be a good fit for me then let me know as well. Thanks!


  • edited January 2022 25 karma

    I’m trying to get above a 150, but we might help each other. I’m like you, need some support and direction.
    Just checking in, no worries either way.

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @jeffreycashdollar said:
    I’m trying to get above a 150, but we might help each other. I’m like you, need some support and direction.
    Just checking in, no worries either way.

    Hi there

    We recommend that you do not to post your email or phone number publicly. Spam bots might pick up your email & number and you'll get spam. If you want to share contact info, you can use direct messaging. I went ahead and deleted your email from this thread.

    You can see our Forum Guidelines here.

  • April Y.April Y. Member
    41 karma


  • pvosoughpvosough Member
    4 karma

    Hey, those times actually work for me. I'm also stuck in those ranges PTing, a study partner/group would be nice so I'd be down!

  • themann121themann121 Member
    72 karma

    haha we are in the exact same situation and score band. Could you a study partner. If you need a plus 1, hit me up

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