7Sage Live Class - May [SOLD OUT!]

Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
edited May 2022 in General 4599 karma

Update: This Class is Sold Out.

Hey 7Sagers!

Due to popular demand, I'm excited to announce that I'll be teaching a 10-week LSAT course starting May 8th!

We'll meet once a week for an hour. In addition to the instruction given during class time, I'll also assign homework, drills, and a study plan designed to support the weekly lessons and solidify key concepts. This class is ideal for anyone who wants a bit more structure and accountability as they work their way to their goal score.

We'll meet on Sundays starting on May 8th. Class will convene via Zoom from 3pm-4pm EST and will continue until July 10th. The class is limited to TWELVE students—first come, first served.

To sign up, visit this link: https://7sage.com/7sage-lsat-live-class/

If you have any questions about the course, feel free to post it down below. I'm looking forward to it!


  • sweat49sweat49 Core Member
    45 karma


  • 25 karma

    I’m taking the June exam, assume it’s not prorated… lol.

  • cofactorcofactor Alum Member
    72 karma

    I am about to finish the core curriculum and wondering if I need to take this live class? What is the difference between this live class and the core curriculum that 7 Sage offered? Would this live course be tailored to strength each attendant's weakness?

  • manzanitamanzanita Alum Member
    5 karma

    Hi! I would be interested, however I'm not yet done with the curriculum. May I still join?

  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4599 karma

    @jeffreycashdollar Unfortunately the class isn't prorated, but if you're interested in individual tutoring to help increase your score, that can be more worth it for you! You can find out more here: https://7sage.com/lsat-tutoring/

    @cofactor The class is intended for students who have finished the Core Curriculum. The lessons won't be a repeat of the CC, but more to supplement and add on to the learning you've already done. And yes, we take into account the strengths and weaknesses of our students while crafting the group class curriculum.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4599 karma

    @manzanita You're more than welcome to, but I want to emphasize that this should not replace the work that needs to be done with the Core Curriculum. So make sure to still be working on it while you're attending class! :)

  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited April 2022 4599 karma

    Hey 7Sagers!

    We have one spot that opened up if anyone is interested! If anyone has any questions about the course, feel free to comment down below!

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