PT2.S2.Q8 - Alice: Quotas on automobile imports

KI_Lawnupe9KI_Lawnupe9 Member
edited April 2022 in Logical Reasoning 38 karma

Can someone explain the justification for the answer being E. Seems like that would makes sense if the stem asks for the flaw in David's argument, but it doesn't.


  • casablanca-1casablanca-1 Core Member
    86 karma

    What I get from this is that. it is asking you what is David's response, and E is right cause David does not provide an argument but gives facts as to why Alice is wrong.

    Like he didn't say that we should keep quotas cause international competition aids a countries economy, or like actually we would not produce high-quality cars, you know?

    Hope my explanation makes sense, sorry if it doesn't (for me, its hard to explain these things but I try lol)

  • JY DiscipleJY Disciple Live Member
    342 karma

    Which AC did you pick? ... Alice recommends doing away with quotas on automobile imports in the U.S. Her reasoning is that direct competition would in the end benefit consumers. And how does David respond to that? He doesn't. Instead, he sidesteps Alice's point, saying that quotas are pervasive, and that other countries have quotas and so should the U.S. ....(A) is out since David doesn't accuse Alice of self-contradiction ... (B) there is no personal attack here ...(C) David thinks Alice has overlooked the question of other countries' quotas altogether ... (D) David's position isn't similar to Alice's at all.

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