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How long should I plan on studying for LSAT?

dacooperjrdacooperjr Member
in General 13 karma

How long does it typically take to study for the LSAT? I’m retaking my test in September and I’m working through the core curriculum now. Is 3 months studying 30-40 hours a week a reasonable timeframe?


  • CSieck3507CSieck3507 Member
    1376 karma

    Really all depends on what your goal score is and where you are starting. If you are starting at a 150 and goal is 160 I think that is completely doable. However, if your goal score is 170+ it may take longer.

  • Jakobtrevino30Jakobtrevino30 Core Member
    17 karma


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    @CSieck3507 hit it right on the head. That’s a difficult question to answer without knowing where you’re starting and where you’re hoping to end up (and even with that info nobody can give you a certain answer). Personally, I recommend letting your score determine when you take the test date, not vice versa. But, of course, if the time you need to test is firm, then I don’t think three months is an unreasonable amount of time. I also don’t believe most people can maximize their potential in three months.

  • scott1217scott1217 Member
    37 karma

    Hypothetically I think yes (like others said depending on your diagnostic and goals), but you should be a little realistic about your weekly studying time. At least for me, I study about 20-25 hours a week and if I upped that to 30-40 I think I would have burned out by now. Mental health is important and can be hard to manage during the LSAT grind so make sure you're being kind to yourself and giving yourself a managable workload!

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