153 Diagnostic --> 164 (Aug'21) --> 178 (Jun'22)

PatentlyLewisPatentlyLewis Member
in General 59 karma

My year long LSAT journey came to a very happy end yesterday, getting a 178 on the June 2022 test. I'm incredibly fortunate to be able to say that I scored higher on the real thing than any PT ever!!! I can honestly say this would not have happened without our friends here at 7Sage and especially my tutor @"Chris Nguyen".

As a slower reading STEM major, I struggled quite a bit initially with LR and RC. After the August test last year I was ready to give up, and took a few months off. I started up studying again in January this year with some new found motivation, but I was still struggling, stuck in the high 160s and occasional low 170.

I had gone to a few tutors before, but none worked for me. 7Sage's content had been great for LG, so I decided to give their tutors a shot. That's when I met Chris. We immediately got to work on RC. After only one session I was answering questions more confidently, and was no longer getting any main point questions wrong (a big weakness of mine). With Chris's strategies I was able to go from around -8 on RC down to -3 or 4.

Chris also worked with me on LR timing, and gave me specific strategies for every question type that I struggled with. He spent the time to understand how I approached questions, and how I thought about the test, and then tailored strategies that would work for me. I've seen others say the same thing, but I wish I had met Chris sooner! I saw consistent improvement from every single strategy we implemented. Chris was reassuring through rough patches, and insistent during the good times. I went from being overjoyed with a -4 on LR, to expecting -0.

Maybe it was lucky to score above my PTs on the real test, but the protocols Chris and I implemented together put me in that position. He kept saying, that if I do everything we've discussed, there is nothing holding me back from mid to high 170s. He was right about all of it!

Thank you so much Chris. If anyone's looking for a tutor, Chris is the best there is. Cannot recommend him enough!


  • JY DiscipleJY Disciple Live Member
    342 karma

    Amazing story. Congratulations!

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Congratulations! Quite literally an almost perfect score!

  • mayarj342mayarj342 Free Trial Member
    15 karma


  • chrleesjchrleesj Core Member
    32 karma

    Congratulations! This gives me hope :) thank you for sharing

  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4599 karma

    YESSSSS!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! @PatentlyLewis best of luck in your future endeavors. I know you're going to make an amazing lawyer one day!!! :smile:

  • mz.roganmz.rogan Alum Member
    36 karma


  • Alice003Alice003 Live Member
    691 karma

    Congratulations! Thank you so much for your post and recommendation!! I know Chris is a great tutor!!

  • Hinde SophiaHinde Sophia Alum Member
    165 karma

    Congrats!!! This is super motivating, thank you for sharing.

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