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Looking for a study buddy that would like to aim a 170+

AcingLSAT14AcingLSAT14 Member
in Study Groups 5 karma


I am looking for a study buddy who is aiming for a 170+. My first prep score is 168. I would like to meet over Zoom once a week, on weekends, to "discuss" difficult problems. The true aim for this study would be not going over all of the PT Qs in a swift, but really ponder the difficult/hard questions, and discuss about them in depth. I truly believe that it is not about the quantity but the quality of the reviews on the questions - "in depth analysis" on 2~3 questions per session would be way better than merely "going over" 20 questions.

Anyone who agrees on my approach, please feel free to reach out to me, and we will discuss the details! Thanks!


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