PT10.S4.Q02 - Physician Thoroughness

Jalaina1908Jalaina1908 Core Member
edited July 2022 in Logical Reasoning 17 karma

I chose answer choice E for this question, but I don't understand why B is the correct answer.


  • HarveySpectorHarveySpector Member
    129 karma

    IMO the best way to understand why E is wrong is to understand the conclusion is about it being a bad idea to get a checkup unless you are sick. If we remember that conclusion and then look at E we can accept E as true but it doesn't make the passage any better support the conclusion. If as E says, doctors can ask questions to make it so you don't get unnecessary tests, how does that support the conclusion which is that we shouldn't get a checkup unless you are sick? The answer is that it does not support it, even accepting E as true, we don't get stronger support from the passage to the conclusion. It simply tells us that doctors can help to eliminate unnecessary tests through questioning a patient, not why healthy people shouldn't go for checkups.

    B provides the support for conclusion based on the passage by saying that if you get those unnecessary tests you could actually become sick when you were not sick before. B connects the passage to the conclusion by telling us why it is a bad idea to get a checkup when we are healthy, its because we might become sick from those unnecessary tests at the checkup.

    I hope that makes sense, but I would say the important thing to focus on for a strengthening question like this is that you need to remember what the premise(s) and the conclusion are. From there you can relate the answer choices to see if it provides strength/support for the argument.

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