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Proctor Disruption

jamesliu243jamesliu243 Live Member

Just wondering if anyone encountered this situation: I was taking the first section early today, and everything went fine for a while. All of the sudden, the proctor started to ask me to reposition the camera without stopping the timer, and she asked me 3 times in total. The section was logic game, and my train of thoughts were completely disrupted ever time she talked to me. So, I have to go back to where I was in the question and trying to figure out what my thought was. During the third time, I got extremely upset and told her this was extremely disrupting and "please just shut up". She then told me that she's simply following the guidance. This process caused me a lot of stress, and I was not able to focus thereafter. I disconnected with the proctor righter after the first section, and filed an official complaint to the LSAC.

Was I being unreasonable? Or was she being unprofessional? I am so pissed.


  • 52 karma

    You are 100% reasonable! When testing proctors should be informed that they have the ability to pause your test! Interrupting the train of thought as well as not pausing can be very troublesome! This situation affects your testing abilities and wastes your time when doing hard sections!
    On the powerscore podcast ( I use spotify to listen) they say even if you have to yell at the proctor, get them to pause the time because it is not a proper testing environment. If they interrupt you and don't give you any option to pause then it corrupts the experience. I believe that you were in the right!

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