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What to do after a PT and BR?

audreyk2022audreyk2022 Alum Member
in General 23 karma

I just finished my first PT after completing the core curriculum. I blind reviewed it and now I'm looking for advice on next steps, do I keep taking practice tests? how much time should I devote to reviewing the missed questions etc. I'm planning on taking the October test and am looking to increase my score by 10+. Any and all advice is helpful!


  • julia.grevejulia.greve Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    192 karma

    Hi there! Where you go after finishing the core curriculum really depends on your current level. If you are scoring in the mid160s, you clearly have solid reasoning skills and it could be worth your time to focus on PTs for the purpose of working under timed conditions.

    However, if there's an easily identifiable pattern in your current score -- such as a question type you always get wrong, or a passage topic that usually gives you trouble -- you need to focus more on drilling rather than testing. If you know you're always going to miss those five-star weakening questions, it would be silly to jump right into multiple tests and hope the opposite will happen. Given our proximity to the October test, you should be taking one to maybe two practice tests per week.

    If I were to put a number on it, I would say 75% of my study time was spent reviewing wrong answers and 25% was spent trying out new material. What worked for me may not for you. However, most of the growth we see in our scores comes from an ability to identify where we went wrong before. The only way to grow that skill is by reviewing answers!

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