Study Method - leaving curriculum partly unfinished

trevorNYCgoaltrevorNYCgoal Alum Member
in General 324 karma


I was wondering about a study method I saw recently and if anyone has employed something similar.

This involves completing almost an entire part of the core curriculum, but leaving a part of each section unfinished before returning at a later time.

For example, completing all the lessons in the “Most Strongly Supported” section of Logical Reasoning. Then, completing about half of the practice sets towards the end of the lesson.

The reason being that returning to finish the remaining practice sets at a later time forces you to review the content down the road. This refreshes your memory and also allows you to move and continue through the curriculum.

Was wondering if anyone has studied in a similar way? Thanks


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited August 2022 2245 karma

    I think that’s a great way to study. Saving practice sets for later so you can brush up on your memory is super useful. The only thing I’d recommend (and you may already have this in mind) is not forcing yourself to go back and complete the practice sets you saved, but instead using them when needed. What I mean is once you finish the curriculum and start taking PTs, you’ll probably identify weak and strong points you have. So when you identify weak points and you go back into the curriculum to study, then you may want to use the practice sets you saved for drilling. I think that’s more useful than just going back and completing them for the sake of completing them. Just a recommendation, though. Sounds like you’ve got a solid study plan!

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