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Bi condition rules

I have a hard time recognize bi condition rules... Any idea plz?


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    Have you watched the core curriculum videos on biconditionals? JY lists the phrases that the LSAT writers use to express biconditionals. I also struggled to recognize them for a while, but after reviewing the videos for a little bit I’ve had a much easier time. If I recall correctly, I actually think JY mentions every single know biconditional phrasing that has appeared on the LSAT.

  • WinningHereWinningHere Member
    edited September 2022 417 karma

    Agree with @"Matt Sorr" wholeheartedly. I struggled recognizing them also, but am much more familiar so it can be done. You could also search in discussion for comments on the topic.

  • anonymous8anonymous8 Alum Member
    85 karma

    There's an awesome biconditional lesson in the core curriculum of 7 sage that you should definitely check out. But if you just need a quick reference. Here are the two most popular biconditionals: 1.) forever together 2.) forever apart.

    1.) Forever together:
    If you have one item, you must have the other. They are always together. Never apart.

    Key indicators:
    If but only if
    if and only if
    if yet only if

    Example: Alan attends the meeting "if and only if" Chris attends the meeting.
    A <-> C

    To understand it better, try breaking down the biconditional as follows:
    Alan attends the meeting "if" Chris attends the meeting.
    C ->A
    Alan attends the meeting "only if" Chris attends the meeting.
    Now put them together "if and only if" is combined as the biconditional: A <-> C

    2.) Forever apart:
    If you have one item, you don't have the other. They are always apart. Never together.

    Key indicators:
    (either) or, but not both.

    Example: Alan or Chris goes to the park, but not both.
    /A <-> C

    To understand it better, try breaking down the biconditional as follows:
    Alan "or" Chris goes to the park.
    /A -> C
    Alan and Chris "cannot both" go to the park.
    A -> /C
    Now put them together "or, but not both" is combined as the biconditional: /A <-> C

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