Lower than PT score on test day - advice?

edited September 2022 in General 39 karma

Hi all,

I know this is a common phenomenon, that many score lower than their PT average on test day. I was wondering if anyone could provide advice my specific situation since I'm a bit demotivated.

I'm someone who didn't really need to study for RC or LR due to my background as a philosophy student, and usually manage -0 to -3 on those. I do struggle on LG, often having to guess the last few questions. Another thing is that I have only taken 3-section preptests. Last time I stopped PTing (171) one week before the real test (166).

I haven't studied since taking September, but I'm registered for October, my last chance. How should I proceed in the last 17 days until Oct? Just drill logic games, or try the 4-section tests on LSAC? How would you all approach this? I feel like I need to switch something up to avoid this happening again.


  • hidanhidan Member
    edited September 2022 17 karma

    do one 4 section test every single morning on LSAC! just to get yourself adjusted to the format. completely simulate everything on test day. same amount of scratch paper, pencils, all electronics out of the room, take the 10 minute break and not a minute more or less. pull up a proctor on youtube .

    then, that afternoon/night, pull up a document and screenshot/insert every single question you got wrong. write 2-3 sentences about why you missed that question. then go to your analytics and drill like 10 problems in your worst section. i did this and im now averaging 178-179 :))

  • blanklawblanklaw Member
    490 karma

    I'm sure you've heard this before, but LG is like a muscle that you constantly need to use in order to build/keep up the stamina. So first, never take any "breaks" from it-- especially if you aren't constantly getting a -0. Also, for a 170+ the attitude for LG is usually a "no-brainer -0"--to put it sort of in a harsher way. I think it's mainly because the LG is so black and white of what's right and wrong (kind of like a math test-- there's unarguably one right answer) and that the other sections don't clearly have this dichotomic component. The hard part usually is getting to the answers fast enough. That's where all the practice comes in.
    I would definitely prioritize this section, especially if the others are -0 - -3 range already. Work on perfecting and making this section almost mechanical for you.

    I would definitely practice full 4-section PTs at least a couple of times-- and, to get the extra LG practice time in, do the fourth section as LG.
    Also, make taking PTs part of your routine (i.e. once a week a certain time of day, or more if you can...) in order to reduce the "bigness" of taking the actual test. Ideally, taking the test should feel like taking another PT-- predictable and part of your routine.

    Hope this helps!

  • trevorNYCgoaltrevorNYCgoal Alum Member
    324 karma


    The results are there for you, but is on PT a day with BR feasible? Just seems like a massive quantity that is constrained by time.

  • hidanhidan Member
    17 karma

    @"trevor.n89645-1" i usually wake up at 8am and try to begin a test at 9am, that way I can be done testing at noon and done with blind review (only for flagged questions) at 1pm. I go over wrong answers at like 6pm, so I have 1pm-6pm to do whatever I want -- but I also am not in school or working a 9-5 right now!!

  • Juan23vrJuan23vr Live Member
    edited October 2022 304 karma

    ^ lol

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