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Chances of getting into T-40??

Hi, I am finishing my law school list for application but worrying rather I am making my lists too unrealistically. Thus I am here to get some comments about it.
My list is mostly made out of the schools within T40 (i.e-BU, Minnesota, Norte Dame, GW, Iowa, W&M, Washington and Lee, BC, Fordham, UC Davis, UC Irvine). I am also planning to apply one school from low T-14 (maybe UCLA or Berkeley?) or Boston University (more likely) as my early decision. Here are my Stats:
1. Korean, no green card, went American elementary, middle, high schools + college
2. 3.897 GPA, majored graphic design and minored culture and politics from an art college in the United States (not sure abt general tier…but one of the highest among art schools)
3. 165 LSAT (took 3 times, 158, 165, cancelled)
4. Almost Kjd? (graduated last year)
5. Low Soft I think? (I am volunteering as a graphic designer in several different non-profit institutions and have one internship experience, but I am not sure these count)
6. 3 recommendation letters to submit, all from college professors.
7. Looking forward to submit Diversity statement as a TCK
Am I making the goal too high? Any suggestions about my list? I am welcoming any of your comments and recommendations!


  • Zoe.blevinsZoe.blevins Member
    20 karma

    It sounds like you have solid shot at the T40 schools you listed. You have a great GPA and a good LSAT, and honestly if you want to shoot your shot at more T14s I think you should. This guy on Youtube ( Life At Harvard Law is his username I'm pretty sure) had a 3.59 GPA and a 166 LSAT and got into Harvard so don't count yourself out before applying!

  • claremontclaremont Core Member
    590 karma

    Who'd've thunk I got Havahd Lahw numbahs. See you losers later.

    I agree with @"Zoe.blevins". You're a great candidate. Best of luck!

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