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Noise Complaint - C&F Addendum?

I received a couple noise violations during my freshman year in the student dorms. I was written up by the RA and had to meet with them to discuss the community guidelines. I was given a warning, but nothing else came of it. Is this something law schools expect us to disclose on a C&F addendum? This isn't on my permanent record, and I didn't receive any other disciplinary action related to the incident.


  • Selene SteelmanSelene Steelman Free Trial Member Admissions Consultant
    2037 karma

    Former admissions officer here. Whether you disclose will depend on the wording of the C&F question in the specific application. You should answer all application questions strictly and err on the side of transparency. If you need to submit an addendum in response to a C&F question, keep your answer concise and factual. Several noise violations as a freshman will not likely have any effect on your final decision. Good luck!

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