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Study groups

cbookercbooker Live Member

Hi everyone,

I started 7Sage about 2 weeks ago, and I think that it is a great idea to formulate a study group. Anyone interested in meeting about 2 times a week via zoom to study? If so, comment and i'll prepare for our 1st study session!


  • valentina.soares-1valentina.soares-1 Alum Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    195 karma

    Hey there! Creating a study group is a great idea and a great way to get one started is by joining our next Study Group Break Out session! It will be on Monday, December 5th from 9:00-10:30pm ET. We put you in groups with other people scoring in the same range as you so you can all work together to prepare for test day early next year! Here's what you need to do if you're interested:

    1. Register for the Breakout no later than this Sunday, December 4th.
    2. Take PT53 Section 1 (based on 7Sage's numbering - should be an LR section) and blind review it, but DON'T look at the answers (I suggest you take it as a "Drill" rather than as a PrepTest)!
    3. Log in to the Breakout Session at the appointed time. We will automatically place you in a group of 3-5 students with similar scores so you can review the section together.
    4. At the end of the session, you can exchange emails and keep meeting if you enjoyed the group.

    Hope to see you there! Register for the event using this link:

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