When does scholarship $ start to run out

bmaxp523bmaxp523 Member

I keep seeing people say that if you apply on the later side schools may run out of scholarship money, but then I see people talking about re-negotiating scholarships after the first seat deposit deadline in April.

Does anyone know how this works/how much money schools usually have for later negotiations? I'm trying to get an idea of how much scholarship money a school would have left for an application submitted on February 1st if it was a top application for the school. Would they still have enough scholarship money to give that top applicant a good scholarship or will that applicant have to try through renegotiations?


  • terilynsmith178terilynsmith178 Free Trial Member
    edited May 15 3 karma

    Scholarship availability can vary based on the timing of your application and the school's budget. Applying later may mean less scholarship funds available initially, but schools often reserve some for negotiations after the first deposit deadline. The amount left for negotiation varies by school and year. While submitting in February could still yield a good scholarship, renegotiation might be necessary for optimal funding.

    I Use Different time tools to calculate deadlines for my scholarships and important events.

  • terilynsmith178terilynsmith178 Free Trial Member
    edited May 15 3 karma

    Hope you got that!

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