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Why am I stuck in the 159-161 range

Melr1234-1Melr1234-1 Alum Member
in General 67 karma

Hello everyone!

I am writing this post for the first time and I am hoping to get some insight. I am stuck in the 159-161 score range I have gotten a 163 on my second last PT but I did pt 80 right now and got a 159. Super sad. I have been studying for months now and my scores per section vary quite a bit sometimes I manage to go -3 on LR but then RC ends up being difficult and that tanks my score. I am hoping to get around a 164-166 and I am registered for the January exam. I feel pretty good with logic games and its my favorite section I typically go around -2 or 3 but trying to bring it to a 0. I also noticed for some reason i do perfect on all grouping games ang get one or two wrong on the easy level 1 difficulty sequencing game but during br i get it all right? any tips are appreciated pls!!


  • ConstantineConstantine Member
    1361 karma

    In your situation (LG -2 and LR -3), you should be able to get - 2 on RC or better. So focus on RC and change the method. Read slower and often pause and summarize. When finished, tell yourself the passage's main point, conclusion, primary purpose, etc.

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