PTC.S2.Q3 - Polls can influence voters' decisions...

tae.d-22tae.d-22 Core Member
edited December 2022 in Logical Reasoning 21 karma

Is A the right answer because it's refuting the claim that polls influence voter decisions and hence the need for them to be banned one week prior to the election? I can see why it's A from process of elimination, but it didn't seem too appealing as an answer choice. #help

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  • tiara.laulusatiara.laulusa Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    30 karma

    Hey, 7Sage tutor here!

    Answer choice A is not refuting the general claim that polls CAN influence voter decisions, but it is narrowing the scope of WHEN people are influenced by polls. Remember, a correct answer choice for a weakening question isn't going to disprove the argument, it's simply going to make the connection between premises and conclusion weaker. If "few" people (i.e. less than 50% of people) are influenced by polls two weeks before an election, which would include the week before the election that's mentioned in the proposed ban, then it weakens the necessity of banning those polls.

    I hope that helps!

  • tae.d-22tae.d-22 Core Member
    21 karma

    Thank you!

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