PT4.S1.Q6 - Sims does which one...

md753md753 Alum Member
edited January 2023 in Logical Reasoning 67 karma

why is D incorrect? In responding to the Rotelle, Sims shows that the same could be said about Rotelle's youth and inexperience when it comes to age, so isn't that thereby showing he is contradicting himself? How should one choose between D and E?


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    8491 karma

    He doesn't actually say Rotelle is too young and inexperienced. That's a jump the test writer is cueing you to make. But they're not the boss of us. ;)

  • hosseingold29hosseingold29 Free Trial Member
    56 karma

    @canihazJD said:
    He doesn't actually say Rotelle is too young and inexperienced. That's a jump the test writer is cueing you to make. But they're not the boss of us. ;)

    I think sims says bc of I don’t wanna issue age as a factor, I don’t consider your inexperience and youth , so he implies that the first person is youth and inexperienced

  • hosseingold29hosseingold29 Free Trial Member
    56 karma

    @md753 said:
    why is D incorrect? In responding to the Rotelle, Sims shows that the same could be said about Rotelle's youth and inexperience when it comes to age, so isn't that thereby showing he is contradicting himself? How should one choose between D and E?

    No it doesn’t. Sims just says I know you are youth and inexperienced but I don’t comment on it, so what ? Why you don’t issue Rottle’s reasoning that he concluded: being old is the reason for not being competent at addressing the issues facing the country?
    I hope this help you 😊

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