Going from 151-153 to 170 in 3 - 4 months

aalam0786aalam0786 Alum Member
in General 80 karma

So I took a diagnostic test, and I got a 153. My hope is to get a 170 plus in 3 to 4 months depending on if I take the June or August LSAT. I am a junior in college taking 4 (4 credit) classes which aren't too bad, but I am working 32 hours, 16 at one job, 16 at another. I don't really have a day of just not doing anything, so I am trying to study for the LSAT in the afternoons and evenings. I REALLY WANT A 170+ . Anyone in the same boat? Am I doomed or can I do it ? Anyone want to be study partners ? Be honest please ! I am willing to put the work in if I have to.


  • LSAT so I could runLSAT so I could run Alum Member
    51 karma

    I am in the same boat. Registered for June. Willing to be study partners!

  • kaer7184kaer7184 Member
    edited March 2023 18 karma

    I am willing to be study partners too! I am also an undergrad junior and I work as well. I am currently scoring in the high 150s to low 160s and would love to get as close to a 170 as possible!

  • doka flodoka flo Alum Member
    63 karma

    I'd also be down to be study partners! In a very similar situation haha

  • lawrensa94lawrensa94 Core Member
    15 karma

    I would like to be a study partner, too!

  • pranavwaliapranavwalia Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    I want to a part of a study group too. I am a science kid who did the mcat and now the lsat and this test is confusing me about where to start.

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