PTC.S3.Q19 - Most of our exercise machines

cassievega26cassievega26 Core Member
edited April 2023 in Logical Reasoning 4 karma

Hi all! I am really struggling to understand why B is incorrect. I know now that D is the right option, but I'm not sure how to structurally identify why in other LR sections. I'd appreciate any help/explanations!


  • Clemens_Clemens_ Alum Member
    299 karma

    (1) (B) is not descriptively accurate: G is not speaking about 'most people' generally, but about the customers under consideration. This is a much more narrowly defined population.

    (2) (B) does not pick out a flaw in the argumentation. For all we know, it might be perfectly legitimate for G to question F's survey results. Why would we assume that the survey results must be right? The genuinely problematic feature of the argument is F's response to G, as F associates G with a claim stronger than the one G is actually making ('Not only is possible that the surveys might not be indicative of the customers' actual habits; instead, the results of the survey are also actually false').

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