PT16.S3.Q10 - Michelangelo Restaurations

Clemens_Clemens_ Alum Member

The reason why the restorers want to make an exception for De Volterra is that De Volterra removed ALL layers of paint in the sections of the paintings where he made his addition before he made these additional. This suggests: De Volterra removed not only those layers of paint that people other than Michelangelo had added but also parts of Michelangelo's works themselves. This in turn means: If De Volterra's additions were removed as well, Michelangelo's underlying painting would not be revealed. Instead, there would just be a blank piece of wall, as De Volterra already removed those sections of Michelangelo's work that were there originally.

Making an exception for De Volterra thus arguably makes sense, because even an addition made by a painter other than Michelangelo would seem better than just have a blank piece of wall in the middle of Michelangelo's painting.

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