PT June 2007.S2.Q19 - Read Every Word

Sir BellamoSir Bellamo Live Member
edited May 2023 in Logical Reasoning 33 karma

Just a friendly reminder to read every single word throughout the stimulus and the answer choices. I blind reviewed this question for FAR too long and ended up not really seeing a clear difference between any of the answer choices. When something is not adding up and you feel like you are just throwing a dart between two answer choices - you are doing something wrong. As obvious as it sounds, misreading something or glossing over, just as I did, will be detrimental to the whole question.

What I did was gloss over the word "urban" several times while reviewing and my brain just translated it to "rural" for some reason. This one word completely changed the entire questions for me.

But anyways, READ EVERY WORD.

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