PTA.S1.Q01 - Frequently, people who diet to lose weight become trapped.

mollyg394mollyg394 Live Member
edited June 2023 in Logical Reasoning 12 karma

Can someone please explain why C is correct? I don't understand why I am wrong. #help

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    137 karma

    Not sure what answer you picked but

    A. Incorrect: We don't know this, they could end up weighing the exact same as they did just before starting the diet

    B. Incorrect: if they desire to maintain there reduced weight they could just diet indefinitely. (Perscriptive statements like this are usually wrong)

    C. Correct: taking away all the mumbo jumbo. The passsage says: If they go back to eating pre-diet amounts of foods, they will gain weight.

    This answer choice is saying: If they want to maintain there reduced weight that resulted from dieting, they must not go back to pre-diet amounts of foods.

    pretty well supported statement given the passage, definitely not an air tight argument when considering outside factors like excercise. But in MSS we aren't considering outside factors and we don't necessarily have to generate a water tight conclusion.

    D. Incorrect: they could just eat the exact amount of foods allowed by their diets to avoid gaining weight.

    E. Incorrect: way too strong of statements here, specifically the terms "Never" and "all" just set off huge red flags. Nowhere does the passage even imply they will regain "all" the weight, it just implies that they would regain some of the weight.

  • mkim05mkim05 Core Member
    4 karma

    I chose C and during BR I chose E.
    I believe I chose E during BR because I was reading too much into caloric intake vs. amount of food and weight gain.

    But I think what initially drove me to choose C was that it was close to the stimulus and did not require more assumption / inference as opposed to the wrong answers.

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