PTC.S2.Q17 - Two hundred randomly selected subjects were asked

nragognanragogna Alum Member

Hey! Can someone explain to me why E is the correct answer? I chose B but I am having a hard time understanding the big difference between these two answer choices. Thanks!


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    137 karma

    You have to be careful with the questions that are being asked.

    For the first group, the question being asked is have you ever awaken paralzyed with the sense of a strange presence in the room?

    For the control group they are being asked, Have you ever awaken paralyzed?

    Answer choice B is wrong because its making an inference that is unsupported. It's very possible that every single person in the control group has awoken with a sense of strange presence in their room, however they may not have felt seemingly paralyzed when this occured.

    If the answer choice said something along the lines of "The percentage of the first group who have awoken seemingly paralyzed is greater than in the control group." Then answer choice B would be a supported statement.

    Answer choice E is correct, because, assuming the groups are representiative, it is extremely weird for the group to have 40% feeling awoken seemingly paralyzed + sense of strange presence, when in the control only 14% of people wake up seemingly paralyzed.

    It would be like me doing a study and finding that 30% of all people have struggled with sleeping before, whilst also simultaneously finding that 70% of all people have struggled with sleeping before due to giant clowns. These two numbers seem to be at odds with one another because the percentage of people who have struggled to sleep before, should include all people who struggled with sleeping due to giant clowns. Therefore the percentage of people who struggle with sleeping should always be higher, or equal to, the percentage of people who struggle with sleep due to giant clowns.

    E is the only answer choice that explains these weird results and overall some slight tweaks to the wrong answer choices / stimulus could have made this a RRE question.

  • nragognanragogna Alum Member
    14 karma

    That makes much more sense, thank you!!

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