Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Mental Fatigue or Another Issue? - 7Sage Forum

Mental Fatigue or Another Issue?

nickyyyynickyyyy Live Member
in General 8 karma

Hi guys! I've recently had an issue and just wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem/knows how to work towards solving it.

I'll do fine on practice sections, I typically get around 5 wrong, give or take a few. Im doing these under the normal timed conditions as well.

But when it comes to the actual PT itself (which I try my absolute best to adhere to actual test conditions in) I'm always scoring in the lower end of the 150's.

I don't know if this is test anxiety, mental fatigue, or what. I'm just posting this to see if anyone else has had this issue so I don't feel completely crazy, and also seeing if anyone who's had this issue has found a way to fix it.

Thanks! :)


  • JesseWeNeedToCookJesseWeNeedToCook Alum Member
    137 karma

    My adivice for diagnosing this: -5 on each section would normally get you to around mid-low 160. I'd would look through your pt's and see if you're later sections tend to be worse than your earlier sections. That might give you more of sense if its a fatigue thing or just a general anxiety thing. Additionally I would give yourself a day between the test and blind review so you can see how much can be chalked up to lack of understanding.

    My general reccomendation for improving this is going to be the mostly the same that other people say, get the reps in, improve your understanding, etc. However, one particular trick I had / stole from someone else, is to double the size of my drills. Instead of doing 4 games / passages back to back, I do 8 games/passages back to back shooting for the target time. This is purely to build that endurance up.

    Best of luck!

  • maria wilksmaria wilks Alum Member
    14 karma

    jesseweneedtocook, you do 4 hours of tests? with no breaks? praise to you. im not sure that would help me. i have mental fatigue too. but being consistent with PT's helps. start at the same time every day. take a pt almost every day. for me, before starting, i always write down my goals for the PT and just remembering what I am aiming for right before i go in, helps increase my score. after being more consistent, my score improved by 5-7 points.

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