PT1.S3.Q10 - Even in a democracy, it is necessary...

YanWanggYanWangg Core Member
edited July 2023 in Logical Reasoning 9 karma

Can anybody explain E? If I negate AC(E), why the argument becomes invalid?


  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    The stimulus isn't so much an argument rather a set of rules.

    1. information about advanced technology that is of commercial or national-security value must be restricted.

    2. Dissemination to certain countries should be selectively prohibited.

    3. There must be a free exchange of scientific information.

    So, there are conditions that are necessary to keep in line with these rules, in this case we have 4 necessary condition and 1 unnecessary condition. If we fail the condition, then we cannot follow the rule.

    E is one of our necessary conditions for Rule #2. If we fail the condition, then we could not follow Rule #2.

    E says: In cases where a company that uses advanced technology is a multinational organization, it is possible to keep information about the technology from being passed across designated national boundaries.

    E Negated: In cases where a company that uses advanced technology is a multinational organization, it is impossible to keep information about the technology from being passed across designated national boundaries.

    Say this multinational organization is a coalition of the North American countries: USA, Canada and Mexico. The designated boundary would be these three countries. If the negation of E is true, that the multinational organization cannot keep information about the technology from being passed across designated national boundaries, then we fail Rule #2. In sum, if it is impossible to keep information about the technology from being passed across designated national boundaries, then we clearly do not have control over the dissemination of information to other countries, which is required to fulfill Rule #2.

    Now, that I answered your question, I should note that finding the answer this way is not very time efficient. In fact, its quicker to identify C as the exception rather than contemplating why A, B, D and E are necessary. "Democracy" is a total red herring in this stimulus, it pertains no weight to the stimulus itself. "Even____" is a discount indicator, meaning what follows from phrases like "even though", "although", despite", have no impact to any set of conditional relationships or rules. This should tell you that any condition relating to some democratic quality would be wholly unnecessary to fulfilling the three rules above.

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