PTF97.S1.Q4 - Not sure how I could come to the conclusion

caya.berndtcaya.berndt Core Member
edited July 2023 in Logical Reasoning 11 karma

This is quite the tricky one. I saw the right answer is C, but I'm not understanding the reasoning that would allow me to identify the right answer. Any advice? #help


  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    Hi Caya,

    Both arguments deal with probabilities relating to automobile safety.

    McBride says: when a subcompact and a full-size car collide, the people in the subcompact are more likely to be seriously injured than if theirs has also been a full-size car.

    Legget responds: it is more likely that someone will be seriously injured if one of the cars is a full-sized car than if neither car if full-sized.

    While both speak on probabilities, the two uses are different in scope. McBride talks about what type of car is more likely to lead to serious injury whereas Legget talks about what type of incidents are more likely to lead to serious injury.

    Therefore, Legget responds by shifting perspective from which the issue of automobile safety is considered.

    When responding to an argument you are either rejecting, reinterpreting or redirecting. In this case Legget is redirecting.

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