PTC.S3.Q06 - Shortly after the power plant...

gabraham196gabraham196 Alum Member
edited August 2023 in Logical Reasoning 42 karma

Had trouble with this question and saw a lot of students also pick the wrong answer I chose. Since there's no explanation video thought Id give it a shot at explaining for future students.

So the thing to keep an eye on within the stimulus is the fact it tell us that what decreased was the (number of bass caught by anglers!) meaning not the number of bass. Now that we know this we attack the answers and look and eliminate all the answers that might explain why the (number of bass caught by anglers!) decreased.

A. Well l if the waste is attracting the bass predators then there's sequentially less bass and less caught by anglers

B. If the water is colder and the bass are leaving then that explains why they are catching less bass

*C. Doesn't say anything about bass just says more anglers are showing up, if more anglers are showing up then the (number of bass caught by anglers) should actually increase not decrease.

D. Tricky- This actually is a valid reason though, if there is less anglers in the river then that explains why the number of bass caught by anglers decreased.

E. Well if the vegetation the bass feed on was destroyed they probably left and thus it can explain why the number of bass caught by anglers decreased.

Admin Note: Edited title. For LR questions, please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."

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