PT1.S4.Q18 - Several cosmetics firms...

MISC_K79MISC_K79 Alum Member
edited August 2023 in Logical Reasoning 116 karma

Need help in explaining why (A) and (D) is wrong.
I understand that we need to strengthen the argument that the firm's need to reduce the tests on live animals and therefore use new tests: cultures of human cells.

However, (A) seems to infer that because there has been a move against live animal tests by social activists, cosmetics firm is motivated to reduce live animal test and use new test.

(D) also seems to implicate that if the number of the tests can be reduced by using human cultures, then the firm should use it instead of live animal test.

I chose (E) anyway but still doubtful. Is (E) the best answer because I don't need to make any inference at all?


  • maco4538maco4538 Alum Member
    323 karma

    Hi there so let's review the basics of MSS:

    We are looking for what must be true and anything that could be true/could be false/ must be false are the wrong answers.

    What we determine as must be true vs CBT/CBF/MBF is dictated explicitly by the stimulus.
    (A) At best this could be true - We are not given any information regarding social activists.

    (D) at best this could be true - We are not given information on how this will impact the rate overall of testing, only that animal testing will occur less than before.

    (E) must be true - we know that they are making a move away from animal testing. We aren't given a specific reason why, but we do know that at the very least the firm would rather use an alternative testing method than animal testing.

  • MISC_K79MISC_K79 Alum Member
    116 karma

    @maco4538 Thanks for the great explanation!!!

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