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Just wondering what you guys do after you write your official LSAT? Do you continue to study while you wait for your score? Do you take a break? Does anyone feel a little empty inside after all the studying, anticipation, adrenaline, that went into just a 3-hour exam?
I spent an entire week without so much as glancing at the LSAT. Not only do you deserve the break, I think you need it. When I got back to studying, I hit some of my highest PTs.
I do something really fun the weekend I test and celebrate with some cocktails, since I don't drink in study mode.
I usually take off a few days. I plan on doing a few games today and getting back into full study mode tomorrow. My last LSAT is in September. If I were taking more tests, I would probably take off a week.
@yhtkim @amdhill08 Thank you for your advice, and the best of luck with your tests!! 😊