PTA.S2.Q21 - To some scholars, the European baroque...

AlwaysHopingAlwaysHoping Alum Member
edited September 2023 in Reading Comprehension 9 karma
  • I chose D because the mention of "examples". However I overlooked the word "intent" in this answer choice, which makes it incorrect, because the author never indicated that JAM has the monarch's "intent" wrongly interpreted, they simply argues that the monarchs have failed in actually managing to use Baroque as a means to control the population, and gave examples.
  • B accurately expresses the point about the strategy's failure on the monarch's part, which the author offers in their qualification paragraph.

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question”


  • Mary - Student ServiceMary - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    777 karma

    Hi @AlwaysHoping! For the community to better assist you, may I know the passage number of your question? For reading comprehension questions, please use the title format: "PT#.S#.Q# (P#) - brief description of stimulus." Thanks!

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