PTF97.S3.Q15 - It is proposed to introduce mosquitoes

IChhabraIChhabra Alum Member
edited September 2023 in Logical Reasoning 5 karma

I'm confused about which two candidates specifically don't contribute to the overall goal of the proposal.

(1) Interfere with mosquito ability to find mates
(2) Cause destruction of disease parasite before stage where it can be transmitted
(3) Disable mechanism of mosquito's own resistance to disease

Goal: Introduce mosquitos with genetic alterations that destroy disease-carrying capacity.

Is it (1) and (3), based on the assumption that the primary goal revolves around "carrying," specifically?

Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."


  • troysch1troysch1 Free Trial Member
    31 karma

    The stated goal is to introduce the gene into the population (which you do by giving some of them the gene, letting them loose, and then mating introduces the gene into the wider population).

    The flaw they're pointing out is that 2 of them would directly interfere in that process
    -if you can't find a mate, you can't pass on the gene to progeny
    -if you die of disease, you will also have problems passing this gene onto progeny

    so in both cases, you could imagine the gene dying out instead of getting passed into circulation in the mosquito gene pool

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