PT13.S4.Q08 - Emerging Info Tech

MISC_K79MISC_K79 Alum Member

In Oscar's argument, he mentions "..and thus a country's economic well-being will not be a function of its geographical position..."
What the hell is "function of geographical position"? I have no idea what this means.
Does being northern or southern itself implicates any function? or does "economic well-being" serves as a function?

I get the idea that generally north is rich and south is poor as presupposed in the stimuli but simply don't understand that phrase.

Can somebody help?


  • hendrickshendricks Live Member
    401 karma

    Hey there. Definitely understand your frustration. I hate running into awkward wording that confuses my approach to the answers.

    In this case, "function of geographic position" is establishing a causal relationship. It's saying that, at one point, geography determined economics. Now, technology is eliminating that relationship. In other words, it is no longer a function.

    In technical terms, the way "function of" is used here is describing a deterministic input-to-output relationship. Oscar is saying that, before technology, 'If you tell me whether they are north or south, I can tell you about their economic well-being'.

    I hope that helps.

  • MISC_K79MISC_K79 Alum Member
    116 karma

    @hendricks Thank you so much for the explanation. Now I get it!!

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