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Weakening Questions HELP

cira2025cira2025 Core Member

Hi. I have been doing weakening questions on and off about a month and I just cannot seem to get the hang of it. I usually get like 50-60% right on any set I do. Sometimes I make the wrong jump in the answer choices and I would really appreciate some tips and tricks you guys use that have helped you.


  • ari2001cruzari2001cruz Live Member
    13 karma

    I’ve also had some trouble with weakening questions. I try to “think like a lawyer”meaning that if I was opposing this claim/statement in court, what best answer choice would destroy the link between the evidence & the claim/conclusion to draw suspicion. Hope this helps!

  • 1stWorldProblems1stWorldProblems Live Member
    737 karma

    In weakening questions, the goal is always to undermine the support which the premises lend to its conclusions, zero in on any assumptions made in the argument. The right answers do NOT need to totally destroy the argument, it just needs to make the conclusion less than absolutely convincing.

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