Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Late letter writer - 7Sage Forum

Late letter writer

Hi folks,

So, I have two letters of recommendation on file and assigned to schools. I have asked three people to write me letters, and I am still waiting on the third. I should get it this week (I would hope), but then again I also thought I would have gotten it by now.

My question is: If I submit applications now, without the third letter received (and therefore without it assigned), can I assign it to schools once I do receive it even if I have already submitted the applications for those schools? Or is it impossible for me to assign a letter to a school, so that ideally the admissions committee then looks it over at some point, if I have already submitted the application for that school?

With the utmost respect to all my fellow 7Sage users, I am not interested in advice about whether I should or shouldn't wait to submit applications until I get the third letter. I am interested in the answer to the specific question I asked. Thanks!!


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