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Addendum for LSAT Score Drop

hannahwagnerhannahwagner Alum Member
edited December 2023 in Law School Admissions 11 karma

Hello all, any advice is appreciated! :)

My Nov. 2023 score is a 5 point drop from my Nov. 2022 score. As a result, I am contemplating writing an addendum explaining the drop in scores.

I prepared for the Nov. 2023 exam for close to a year but experienced technical glitches during the LG and fourth portion of the exam that made it difficult to focus. For reference, there was a white notification on the upper right corner of my screen that kept popping up, causing me to refocus my attention and attempt to exit out of it every time it came across my screen. After making it through LG, I attempted to just ignore it but it was still very distracting - I even asked the proctor for help and he said there was nothing he could do.

Given the drop, would you recommend an addendum explaining the situation? I take full accountability for not preparing myself better for an incident like this (tech glitches) but I thought it might be worth a shot.


  • inhai786inhai786 Alum Member
    18 karma

    Hi! Yeah, I think that's a good reason for an addendum!

  • csearen99csearen99 Live Member
    124 karma

    From my understanding, there was a lsac internet issue during one of the nov test dates that impacted every test taker during the last section worldwide. maybe you can discuss options bc of this issue with lsac?

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